I wish I could go back and tell myself that nobody cares as much as you think they do Cody.
I have always been so caught up in how I look, or how I come across to people. Whether I have just met them, or shit, even if I have known them my entire life; I always have put the same effort in. I am naturally a people pleaser, over-thinker, and always consumed with how I dress/look. So I should not be surprised that I am always seeking validation. I now realize, at 28 years old, that it is probably not a healthy mindset, and ultimately could be holding me back. Can anyone relate?
Walking into a bar, the gym, or pretty much anywhere where there are people, I always find myself paying too much attention to how people are looking at me. So much so, my amount of a "good time" probably suffers. "I hope this matches", or "Man, this hat looks like shit I bet", are just a snippet of the thoughts that run freely through my dome.
I know for a fact that this has gone on for a very long time. I am just now becoming aware and conscious of it. I grew up always feeling judged and seeking validation. To this day, I have no idea why! But one positive that has come from it is that I have a great wardrobe and typically dress really well. LOL! Again, can anyone relate? I can't be the only one.
You guys, I wish I had an answer of how to correct this. But honestly, I am still trying to figure it out myself. But, we can at least take a crack at it together!
I truly think we need to fall in love with ourselves. Did you hear me? FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF! This could literally help us in every facet of our lives. This will help our confidence, our self worth, our self respect, and also our relationships! We have to be comfortable in our own skin. I know it's cliche, but start with something super simple. Twice a day, morning and night, look yourself deep in the eyes and compliment yourself. And make sure you say that shit out loud! You also have to hear yourself. Lets give this a try and see what comes of it.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or advice you guys may have! You never know what people are going through. So, lets help each other out. I would love to interact with all of you beautiful people!
Until next time,