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The Good Ol' Days


"I wish there was a way to know you're in the Good Ol' Days before you've actually left them" - Andy "The Nard Dog" Bernard

It's a shame to think that the Good Ol' Days are always in the past, or just a memory. If in fact, you were told today that you are in the Good Ol' Days right now, how would you change, if at all?

There have been moments of my life where I would have said, "You're on fucking glue bro! No chance these are the Good Ol' Days!" But maybe it comes down to perception? I know what you're thinking, "Oh God, here we go, we've all heard this one before right?"

What if we were to just treat every moment as if were truly in the Good Ol' Days? For me, it would slow time down quite a bit. It would help me focus on being in the present, which is something I have struggled with often. My mind seems to always think of "what's next", or "what about next week, next month, next year". I am sure a lot of you can relate. If not, please teach me your ways homie! I know for a fact that I have missed out on a lot of joy, fun, and great times because I have not been present in that moment.

I would also learn to appreciate things more, whether they are big or small. How many times have you told yourself "Damn, I wish I would've appreciated __________ way more than I did"? I feel treating more moments like the Good Ol' Days would cut down on this feeling. When we replace "EXPECTATIONS" with "APPRECIATIONS", we will then be able to slow things down and really make it feel like the Good Ol' Days. Trust me, it is not an easy task. I struggle with it daily.

In the Beauty and the Beast live action film, which is one of my favorites, Belle's father has a short song in the beginning titled "How Does a Moment Last Forever". I believe the answer to that is adopting the idea that the Good Ol' Days are always present. I know for a fact that we have all had times and moments we'd wished had lasted forever.

But Cody, what if we are going through a tough time or a rough patch in our lives? You really want me to believe I'm in the Good Ol' Days at that time? Yes, yes I do! This is where perception can come into play a little. Can you take the rough patch or tough time and find some positives in it? Can you use it to become a more sharpened, stronger, smarter, better individual? Most of the time, the answer is always yes. If you have ever gone through a difficult time and come out the other end just simply better, let me tell ya, that would be a Good Ol Days moment!

I ask you all to do just one thing. Take a random, upcoming moment and tell yourself, "These are the Good Ol' Days! I am living in them right now! Right this second!" Please feel free to jot down how you feel after, or emotions you notice.

Thank you guys! Here is to more Good Ol' Days moments!

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You Fuel Me


Apr 21, 2023

My husband was born with a chronic illness and was told he won’t live past 25. Well, here he is at 27 still alive and in the best health he’s ever been. He lives everyday like he has no tomorrow. He has taught me how to be present in the moment and we enjoy each day as if we are in the Good ol’ days because you never know when your last day is. Great read, and keep smiling! The world needs the guy that smiles.

Apr 21, 2023
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Thank you! What a trooper!


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